产品型号:EPX-8500 50米 EPX8500大深度远程金属探测系统和老式的探测仪相对比,传统的探测仪都是出厂设置好了固定的频 率,但是地质情况是千变万化的,由于每个地区的地质不同,所以固定频率容易造成对矿化的排除效果不理 想,从而产生假信号,增加了探测的难度。EPX8500可以进行探测频率微调,EPX8500设定了频 率调节功能,可以根据我们探测的目标物和当地的地质来调整,从而达到更佳的的探测效果。(举 例;比如我们探测地下的铜,铜的频率是472-1132 Frequency Range,用一个我们想要探测的目标物埋在地 下。频率从低调整开始,逐步的增加频率,找到那个频率在当前地质可以达到更佳探测效果,记住这个频 率。以后在探测在这个地区直接调整到这个频率探测)通过调整频率我们就可以达到排除矿化干扰能 力,更加精准的锁定目标。这款仪器,特别适合小物品深层次的探测。实地探测深度:(以1块银元为例) 现场测试深度达5米左右。 较大的金属和储藏量较大的金、银矿的探测深度向下可达50米。 频率选择 SELECTFrequency RangeRecommendedP.G沙金、金矿395-9431、探测时,先调整到所需要的探测方式,然后将频率调整到当时地理环境所反映出的**小频率值进行探测;2、由于每个环境的地质体:如金、银、铜、黄铁矿、铁矿、铅锌、矿石、灰岩岩浴裂缝水、基岩裂缝水等地质矿化反应有所不同,所以在选择频率的时候,从**小频率开始探测。如果矿化干扰强度较大,可以选择对应中间的平均值再进行探测,选择更合适的探测频率。NIT锡433-1038COPPER铜472-1132ALUMINUM铝512-1227GOLD黄金618-1480JEWEL珠宝725-1740SILVER银831-1999 如果在铜罐里搜索金币,铜将发出更强的信号,因为氧化铜占优势。EPX8500发射器——这是扫描仪的主要部件。该元件设计简单,但功能强大。使用12伏直流充电电池供电。电池电压受扫描仪电路装置不断监控。当电压低时,频率显示表现不稳定。电池在正常情况下能够连续使用18小时。电池通过EPX8500配带的小充电器充电。
功率传感器——该元件负责通过插入地下的两个铜棒将扫描所选信号传送到地层。电源线为同轴电缆,与EPX8500主机的传感器插孔连接。 接收器——接收器在面板的上面是ON/OFF开关,下面有一个LED的指示灯,当接收器打开时,此指示灯变亮,指示灯的旁边有三个插孔,它们分别是耳机和天线棒插孔。不使用时,将天线棒从接收器上拔掉!若天线棒插在接收器里保存,则将导致电池漏电。接收器配有专业的充电器使用之前提前6个小时充电。 接收器信号增强器 接收天线棒——天线棒旨在向操作人员指出他/她已经步入功率传感器和目标之间的传 输线。正常情况下,手持天线棒要稳定和平衡,齐腰高度,以及稍微位于操作人员前方。手持天线棒时,天线棒应指向前方,相互平行,且相隔8-18英寸距离。每一个人需要找到适合自己的更佳距离。这需要试验和出错才能找到。请记住,在操作该装置方面,沉着放松的人会比紧张僵硬的人做得好!当你进入射频能量线,天线棒将自然交叉。当**次相交时,你看到了胜利的曙光,你会欢迎再次相交。 耳机:通过耳机可以检测主机和接收器的工作是否正常,也可以在发射器的旁边放个小型晶体管收音机,再把中小波的频率调到**来测试该主机,如果主机正常工作,则该收音机将受到干扰,然后旋转发射器面板上**的旋钮将会使频率指示灯依次变亮,当不同的指示灯点亮的时候,收音机干扰音调会变化。 主机电源开关钥匙:通过钥匙打开主机电源 初次安装: 通过前面板上的BNC接头,将功率传感器的同轴电缆连接到EPX8500传感器插孔里。小心将传感器管脚插入地里,使传感器保持垂直向上。然后,检查前面板上的预设置位置,确认连接方式和位置。通过开关钥匙旋转“On/Off Switch”,打开电源开关。根据前面所印频率,选择所需频率,旋转“Channel Selector (频率选择)”旋钮,保持5-10分钟时间,使信号在地下达到饱和。如果在扫描仪量程范围内有任何目标,则目标将慢慢吸收来自扫描仪的信号。 操作: 信号将全方位充满地下,距离和深度取决于目标的大小。小目标经常被其附近或远处较大目标掩盖。小目标的正常深度为5英尺。较大目标将更深和更远。矿或大隐藏物等大目标,从几英里远都能看见。确切深度和距离取决于几个因素,其中包括目标的大小、目标在地下的时间长短、地面的导电性(电解离子等)、操作人员的能力(取决于对设备的熟练程度)及其它一些小因素。 双手各持一个天线棒,站在距功率传感器10英尺远处,开始绕传感器转圈。天线棒应放在齐腰高度,相互平行,且指向前方,尖端要低于操作人员的拇指,以保持平衡。这将需要时间练习,一旦掌握了,将显得非常普通。绕传感器转圈时,正常行走,而非慢步行走,要跟传感器保持恒定的距离。假设在扫描仪操作范围内有目标,当你的脚开始跨入能量线,在正常情况下,天线棒将相互吸引。在正常情况下,一个单个目标的能量线宽度为20英寸。 一旦确定能量线,下一步是采用S行测量或者是三角测量法测量目标。环绕发射器找到信号线,如图通过来回走S型来追踪信号线,当你**次经过信号线的时候,接收天线应该交叉(标记天线每次交叉的位置),当天线不交叉的时候,你已经偏离了你的目标。当你走过目标物后,指示天线不再交叉。
频率选择 频率选择:EPX8500扫描仪的频率在出厂前就设置好了,以供特定使用。更改仪器的设置,将不予以质保。 SELECTFrequency RangeRecommendedP.G沙金、金矿395-9431、探测时,先调整到所需要的探测方式,然后将频率调整到当时地理环境所反映出的**小频率值进行探测;2、由于每个环境的地质体:如金、银、铜、黄铁矿、铁矿、铅锌、矿石、灰岩岩浴裂缝水、基岩裂缝水等地质矿化反应有所不同,所以在选择频率的时候,从**小频率开始探测。如果矿化干扰强度较大,可以选择对应中间的平均值再进行探测,选择更佳合适的探测频率。NIT锡433-1038COPPER铜472-1132ALUMINUM铝512-1227GOLD黄金618-1480JEWEL珠宝725-1740SILVER银831-1999如果在铜罐里搜索金币,铜将发出更强的信号,因为氧化铜占优势。 注意:切忌使用交流电给扫描仪供电。切忌使用110 VAC或220 VAC给扫描仪供电。这样会对仪器造成**性损坏!后果是,这样的损坏将不在仪器的质保范围内。 EPX8500 Introduction to molecular frequency scan The molecular frequency scan of the invention is the the Floridians JOHN FALES. Mr. FALES respected in the field of archaeological and professional treasure. Mr. FALES’s achievements is the design of a according to their molecular frequency to communicate with other components of the instrument. As a result of this success in the industry circle known as the "FALES effect. FALES Mr. and a few close colleagues in 1960, set out to develop the instrument. The research team has two goals. The first major goal is to design a look for specific elements in the periodic table and be able to be with other elements of the separate instruments. The second objective is the instrument through a signal can be traced back to the user to indicate targets. First major goal, which was quite exciting. Instrument designed to detect buried target at a considerable distance. The second goal is also achieved, because the instrument is indeed able to establish a gateway to the target can be detected transmission line. Since its inception in the 1980s, have done a lot of improvements. Conservative range of all models for 1/2 miles, to a full range of launch the selected frequency. In order to explain the basic concepts of EPX8500 scanner, you must first understand some very important facts. The the JOHN FALES and his colleagues have spent thousands of hours of the experiment a large number of theories and assumptions. Electromagnetic induction, radio frequency and gamma transmission apparatus, a town close test. Learned a lot of material at all stages of the electromagnetic effects and ionization effects. To develop the initial scanner, learned a lot of knowledge to use on. Truly unique is that the scanner can take advantage of the air, soil or water as a transmission medium. Not only to horizontal transmission signal, and vertical transmission signal. A person can imagine living in 3/4 feet of the center of the range, the range is a possible target area. Once the scanner signal, the likely target will be to respond to the same signal. The same signal, the scanner only track to respond to the target, thus excluding the track unnecessary goals. Mutual recognition between the scanner and the target signal can be traced back line, the operator by virtue determine the location of the target. Determine if there are any suitable target in the normal operating range of the scanner, the process takes a few minutes. Keep in mind that the range depends on the size of the buried target in the ground the length of time, the electrolyte in the transmission medium, and the presence of strong sunlight and strong sunspot solar activity. Due to the natural properties of the signal frequency, the strong sunlight activities would greatly reduce the signal. All the elements in the periodic table has a resonance of natural phenomena. This is an element or object in its natural frequency, the ability to absorb energy vibration. A simple example is a trumpet playing a bright, excited, high-pitched music, shattered glass. If the natural frequency of the glass with the same frequency as the music played, the glass begin to vibrate. In addition, if the vibration intensity achieve Zhensan crystal structure, the glass will eventually break. When an element to absorb energy in the case of its natural frequency, resonance. When issued frequencies are easily absorbed by the same object, the occurrence of this resonance phenomenon. If two objects of the same structure as the second object will naturally cause the swing. Therefore, you should have a clearer understanding of the guiding theory of EPX8500 scanner. Please note that up to 30 years of extensive research work only in exchange for the the today EPX8500 scanner. Because EPX8500 scanner and JOHN FALES, the contribution of what it is today able to distinguish between the underground specific elements of the instrument. |